168: Navigating the Hunger for Meaningful Christian Content with TruPlay’s Matt Wolf

Christian Creatives // E168

The world is hooked in secular branding and entertainment. However in a time in which that content is increasingly opposed to Christ, what ought we to do? When we look for Christian alternatives they often don’t seem to quite compare to their secular alternatives. And those making Christian centered content often don’t have it to easy… not much funding and an abundance of scrutiny from their already smaller audience. So, what can we do? How to we promote and advance Christian creatives in ways that will interest our kids, teach them valuable lessons, and provide an escape from so much evil portrayed in modern secular media?

Guest Info:

Matt Wolf is the Marketing Manager and Senior Product Manager at TruPlay, as well as a Christian dad with strong values and a mission to protect children from harmful content and provide a better alternative.

Verses Referenced:

Jeremiah 12:1-2

Quotes from Episode 168:

“Over the past, especially five years, we have seen companies take a step of faith. The chosen, they went ahead and just put out 15 minutes pilot and raised like $50 million, right? And it’s like, whoa, well, they’re hungry. And so with $50 million, you can actually go recruit top tier talent out of some of these great companies. And these are Christians working in these companies. And it’s fine. You can be a Christian working anywhere and share the gospel, but I do believe it’s becoming harder for them as we see some of this content, boy, it’s not safe anymore.”

Matt Wolf, TruPlay Games

“Why did I jump ship and jump on board this train? It’s easy. I saw my daughter and I saw she got it. And it was something my whole family could get behind. It was answering a problem that we need to answer. Like, our kids need play, and they need a place to have play that’s redemptive and screen times will be part of their world.”

Matt Wolf, TruPlay Games

Topical Timeline:

00:33 – Intro

02:20 – Guest Intro

03:05 – Migration

07:01 – Past Times

10:47 – Are Our Kids Worth It?

14:53 – REMVerse

16:65 – Change of Heart

22:50 – Attracting All

26:45 – God’s Gifts of Creativity

28:36 – Teaching the Bible

31:58 – Pointing to Christ

35:43 – Hunger

36:55 – Outro

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