The Pantry Podcast

140: Leaving Your First Love

Losing Our First Love // S11E06 We have two options, either we believe God, or we believe the World. We love God, or we love the World. Yet God is so much greater! Why are we so quick to fall for these things that are opposed to Him? And, the more we let little lies,…

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139: Spiritual Wisdom in the Church

Attached to the Word // S11E05 We need wisdom. Not the wisdom of this world. Godly wisdom. And we must learn to act on our wisdom. Solomon was granted by God to be the wisest man in the world, and yet he ended up committing horrible sins, no longer acting on the wisdom he had…

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138: Theology Wars with Apologist Philippe Serradji

STAND DOWN // S11E04 What are we fighting for? The Lord, or our opinions? When the study of God becomes more important than our pursuit of Him, we find division and distrust among brothers and sisters in Christ. We learn much from Scripture, but Spirit-filled believers seem to still come to varying conclusions that often…

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137: Meeting the Needs of the Saints with Matt & Lia McCabe

Within the Church // S11E03 How well are we, and our churches as a whole prepared to provide for the needs of those inside the church? Whether, it’s kids (or adults!) with special needs, or any other need one could think of! First, we must have the motivations to want to help others: love, compassion,…

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136: Separation of Church and Self with Israel Wayne

God over All // S11E02 Do you live one life, all under His rule? Or are having you been, consciously, or unconsciously, compartmentalizing. Giving you Sunday’s and maybe your Wednesday bible study to God, but shutting Him out of your daily life. God has given us everything… therefore nothing is our own. Everything is His!…

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135: The Good, Bad, and Ugly

Breaks and Builds // S11E01 He is molding us. He is faithful to complete the work in us. Though the conviction from His word, His breaking process, may not feel comforting in the moment, we are being broken down to be built up more like Him. To be sanctified, in the likeness of the Son….

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134: Who Will Go For Us?

Who? // S10E13 Recap time! We have been so blessed to have many awesome guests join our show this season. Today we take a look back at the big lessons we took away from each episode and pull them all together. Thanks for joining us this season and we pray that you are motivated by…

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133: Why Christians Share the Gospel with Pastor Bailey Norman

Reasons to Go! // S10E12 Why do we go? Why do we share our faith? Each and every person on this earth is going one of two places for eternity. Those saved by Christ to eternal glory, but those not, to eternal judgement. We who have been saved by Christ know our destination, and we…

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132: Spreading Hope with ProLove Executive Director Pamela Whitehead

God has a plan // S10E11 We are commanded to go. To go and share His news, to love, and to care for people. Not to just choose one part that you like most, but to do all He has commanded. And once we do we find out how intertwined they are. If we really…

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131: Wielding Our Gifts Together with Pop Gospel Speaks Radio Founders Tim & Destine Young

Vertical Source, Horizontal Reach // S10E10 God is not limited. He does not only operate in the culture or groups we are a part of. He is the God of all creation! And though all of us are unique, we still serve and are saved by the same God. He has given us all different…

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130: Planting Seeds with Kids Ministry Singer/Songwriter Yancy Richmond

Sowing // S10E09 Even the largest of trees have small, even minuscule beginnings. They begin as a tiny seeds, that have no resemblance to what they will become. And so it is with spiritual seeds. They may not seem like much, but they are so valuable and absolutely necessary! And the beautiful thing is that…

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129: Going & Showing with Christian Animator & Brainy Pixel COO Brannon Hollingsworth

Going and Showing // S10E08 When we use our gifts for God’s glory and lean into God’s definition of love, we end up going and showing—not just telling. We’re a whole lot of clanging cymbals if we lack love, and that is one of the reasons why Christianity can have a bad rap in certain…

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128: Pearls Before Swine and The Reprobate Mind

Pearls Before Swine, Reprobate Minds // S10E07 Is there someone too far gone for God to accept? Is there anyone you should just pass by when sharing the Gospel? Who are the swine we should keep our pearls from and are the reprobates without a chance? This week, we talk about those that close themselves…

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127: Dealing with Rejection

REJECTION // S10E06 We’re called to go and tell the world the Good News, but we know that we won’t always be warmly received. Rejection is tough. How do we overcome the fear and discomfort of rejection and go out despite the inevitable cold shoulders and confused looks? Today, Shea and Michelle dive into the…

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126: How to Reach Hardened Hearts with Pro-Life Advocate Abby Johnson

How do you handle hate like Jesus? Are you nervous about sharing the Gospel with people who hate you, hate Jesus, or maybe just hate when beliefs are brought up? With Roe v Wade overturned and the decision back with the states, there are a lot of people even more angry at Christianity than usual….

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