Going and Showing // S10E08
When we use our gifts for God’s glory and lean into God’s definition of love, we end up going and showing—not just telling. We’re a whole lot of clanging cymbals if we lack love, and that is one of the reasons why Christianity can have a bad rap in certain circles. This week, we welcome Brannon Hollingsworth, COO of Brainy Pixel Studios. He knows what it means to put it all on the line for the Lord, what it’s like to fake it (and what it’s like to finally make it happen), and how to shine the light of Christ in all that we do.
- What does it mean to use your gifts for God’s glory?
- How do our gifts reveal God to others?
- How can our actions make opportunities to share the Gospel with others?
- What kind of Christian content is out there to share the Gospel with kids?