15. Welcome Back to The Pantry

Welcome to Season 2! This week, we’re taking a few minutes to reflect back on Season 1 and introduce you to this season’s theme: We Are Second.


Speaker 0 00:02
Speaker 1 00:05
Speaker 0 00:23 I know this is, I knew we’d get here. I didn’t think we’d get here this fast. It’s a whirlwind, like zero to 60
Speaker 2 00:32 And 60 back to zero, just to go back to zero to 60,
Speaker 0 00:36 It was a great decision to launch early. You know, I think we were going to do it with this nice strategic marketing rollout I had researched and thought about and contemplated. And to be honest, I had prayed to God, Lord, bless this plan. And that’s always, it sounds great. It’s always terrible. Not smart. Lord, give me the plan. Don’t Lord bless this plan. Right? And then COVID happened and suddenly you were home every other day. And I wasn’t getting the number of clients I was getting before. And suddenly we had all this time and more importantly, the world had all this fear and anxiety. We said let’s just launch. And season one was good.
Speaker 2 01:22 It really brought FOBT. When you sit in the studies, when you sit here and you think about these topics that we’ve talked about and you bring biblical truth to everyday living, because we never want to do it the opposite. We never want to take our everyday living to the Bible and then try to do comparisons and say, well, you know, that’s that. But, but when you actually take that word and you apply it, it’s beautiful. And so when you do these podcasts, this isn’t something that you just like, well, let me, you know, punch it out. These are like thoughts that come. And it’s like, okay, now let’s,
Speaker 0 01:58 It’s a blessing knowing there’s people out there that have gotten something out of them, but man, it’s been a blessing just to work through these episodes with you. I think we’ve grown as a couple in a way that we didn’t have a chance or opportunity before, because we’ve never worked this deep on any kind of project. You know, aside from our marriage, that’s our marriage. A marriage can be, it can look a thousand ways. Whereas a podcast, it has built in things that have to happen that put you in a space, completely different. And it, and God’s really built us in some ways. And we’ve become a lot more accountable and reflective to kind of move us through.
Speaker 2 02:45 Right. I I’ve always said it. I mean, in all the Bible studies or life groups that I’ve ever taught or every sermon I’ve ever preached, I always am looking in a mirror. Every one of these podcasts. I meant that last, the last one before the question and answer, Oh my gosh, it was like sitting here in complete thought. I’m going to tell you how that was edited because we actually had a very spiritual moment where we were just like trying to work through this thought, because I mean, it was so impactful in our own lives and, and, and it really had to be worked through. And so we worked through it and what came out of it was this beautiful fruit, right? That brings Bible to life. What our next season, really, when we wrote these out, we didn’t intend this to happen, but the episodes that are going to be coming, when you look at them, we are second, definitely plays a role. Check out this website. I am second.com.
Speaker 0 03:42 Yeah. It has influenced everything. And what’s amazing is it? Wasn’t the theme that we set out with. And then we’re like, okay, what fits in this theme? These episodes, these topics have been in our heart. Some of them we had from the very beginning. And we just said, you know, they don’t have a space in, in the first season, but we just sat there. And after all the growth, we’ve had all these moments where we’ve been praying, God, break us, change us, show us what needs to be worked on. These are the ones that came out of here and it’s amazing that they all reveal this thing. I am second. And I mean, here we are in a podcast. It’s very tempting. Promote yourself, promote yourself, build up, you know, feel good about what you’ve done. I think that that’s something that any podcasts, anything that puts you out in the public sphere can do, but it’s amazing how awesome God has been to make sure we stay reminded that we are second. Really cool to see how that manifested without us necessarily being intentional about that.
Speaker 2 04:45 And man, I didn’t give y’all enough verses in the first season. So I’m back on this episode with a list. Oh man, I’m just kidding. But I want to throw some places out. Yeah. Well, you know, I am, I’ve got a few because I just want to solidify this, really sit there and just build this season up because I feel like something good is going to come out of the season. The first season has had a huge impact in our everyday walk. And you know, you could sit there sometimes and think, man, I’m good. I’m doing good. I’m doing good. And man things crumble and you, and he’s just constantly refining. I like the thing where it’s like peeling the onion because constantly working on us, the correction, the love, the grace that he gives us. But why, why? Because we choose to be second John, 15 five. I am the vine. You are the branches, whoever abides in me and I in him. He, it is that bears much fruit for apart from me, you can do nothing. Seek ye first, the kingdom of God. And that will be added Matthew six 33 commit your work to the Lord. Plans will be established Proverbs 16 three. He must increase. But I must decrease. Remember that verse John three 30. I can all things through him who strengthens me Philippians four 13.
Speaker 3 06:01 I will love the Lord with all my heart, with all my soul, with all my mind and with, Oh my
Speaker 2 06:08 .
Speaker 3 06:10 I would love the Lord with all my heart, with all my soul, with all my mind and with all my stuff.
Speaker 2 06:17 Frank Matthew, 2237. I hope you all will, judge. No, just kidding.
Speaker 0 06:24 Look, if you want to see someone who loves the Lord, Shea brings some serious life and confidence. So that stage jumping praising, like it’s awesome to see
Speaker 2 06:39 And you know what? It took a long time. And as we get into these seasons, I think I’m going to break down a little bit more about my life. I was number one all the time and it took some real humbling. What people would call rock bottom for me to realize and say, I need a church that I could walk to ride to ride the bus to no excuse and that’s of course, where I met my wife and it took me a long time. I would suggest that if you’re in the younger generation crowd, actually I don’t care where you at learn. Something really important that you are second.
Speaker 0 07:13 What’s cool about this season. You’re not just going to get to hear from us. Right? We have asked some people and they’ve said, sure. I’m so I mean, the people that we have on the show, I’m so excited. We’re not going to tell you a single name right now, but in two weeks you will get to find out who our first guest is. All these people, amazing stories, amazing words to bring. They’re going to back up some of the things that we say in the episode prior for each of them. So we’re so excited and, and that’s, that’s the goal is to, is it not just be, you know, what’s in our pantry, what’s in other believers pantries, what can we glean from them? What can they glean from us? What can you glean from all of us? So just,
Speaker 2 07:56 I want to tell you I’ve, we’ve done some already and it’s like, they’re preaching to me and it’s awesome. It’s awesome. But I want to leave this with you. And I told you, we’re going to say this verse a lot because I really believe in the, we are second. He must increase, but I must decrease that right there will save you a lot of trouble. Amen.
Speaker 0 08:18 Amen. So welcome to season two.
Speaker 4 08:22 Get ready. Next week. Full blown episode cannot wait to share with you guys. So remember just share common rate, review any and all of it. So that prayer requests on the pantry podcast.com join us on our live prayer services that we have twice a month. And until next time
Speaker 1 08:43 .

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