Truth can be hard to swallow, especially if it offends, threatens, or challenges our preferences, opinions, and priorities. Still—refusing to accept the truth doesn’t change what truth is. This week we’re talking with author and minister Victor Bell to dig deeper into the importance of dealing with and doling out truth.
Buy From Secrets with Men to Romance with Him here.

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Luke 22:42, John 17:17, Psalms 1:15, Philippians 3:8, Isaiah 64:6, John 8:32, Proverbs 3, John 17, 2 Timothy 3:16, Romans 16:17-18, Romans 16:17-18, 1 Corinthians 3, 1 John 4:17
Shea: It’s good to be back on the mic. It’s been a minute
Michelle: In a minute, we got really ahead in the schedule. So now we have a treat!
Shea: We’re going to be talking about truth pills. I’m gonna be honest, even in a rural, he stands back in my day and we said, truth pills. He was like, you got to swallow something. I mean, nobody likes to take pills. Nobody likes to take their medicine. Right. And when we think about it on a godly level and a godly perspective, if it doesn’t align with God is garbage, not my will, but God’s will Luke 22:42, not my glory, but his glory Psalms 1:15 one, not my truth, but his word of truth, John 17:17, not my thoughts, but his thoughts, Isaiah 55:8. And then let’s go back to that word. Garbage in Philippians 3:8, it says, yes. And this is the apostle Paul saying this now. Yes, everything else is worthless. When compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus, my Lord, for his sake, I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage.
Shea: Another word for that dung so that I could gain Christ. Right? If we look at that in the Greek, the Greek word for that is sky Bala. This word means anything that is detestable or worthless. All the things of this world are rubbish compared to Christ. Even if you look at Isaiah 64:6, it says even our righteousness, our light filthy rats, nothing compares to God. There is nothing that compares to God. There is nothing that compares to his word. If we’re not in his word, if we’re not using his word, if we’re not taking his word and comparing it to the things that we hear, then we’re not doing it the right way. Truth brings us somewhere. And it brings us to freedom, John 8:32, and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. That’s what we’re talking about tonight.
Michelle: We have someone amazing. You probably have heard a third reaction in the background. You’re like, Ooh, who’s that? It’s a blessing. We have known Victor Bell for a while. He has a cool story tonight. And I think that we have known him as just an amazing, bold courageous deliverer of truth pills. It’s about boldly proclaiming truth and accepting truth pills, right? A lot of us like to do one or the other, but it’s about both. And Vic Bell is an evangelist. He’s a minister, he’s an educator, a coach. And for some of you, you might know him as the author of, from Secrets with Men to Romance with Him. And it’s definitely one autobiographical testimony that stirs up controversy and serves up truth. And you know, work in his life has led him to share his story on many platforms and encourage others struggling with sin to relinquish it to Christ. So welcome Vick. It is so great to see you again.
Victor Bell: I am truly honored to be here tonight on, I call it an honor and a privilege to, be able to proclaim and talk about and share what he’s done in my life, what he’s doing in my life and who he is to me.
Shea: And if you wouldn’t mind just sharing a little bit about how you came to this conclusion, that God is the answer.
Victor Bell: So I’ll start from the ending. I am a former homosexual and I have been delivered, transformed free from lust in homosexuality since 2011, January 2nd, 2011, nine years. I didn’t know. God’s love. I had not experienced God’s love. I had not felt it in the way that was tangible to me until the night I submitted my life to Christ and I call him Lord, I didn’t plan on doing that. I didn’t go to the alter. This was a combative experience. I did not willfully come and say, I want to give this over, which I was five years old and I was at my babysitter’s house. And she was a good babysitter. I was playing with Ninja turtle toys and other toys, but there are signs and my brother came out and I was sitting down and she’d get ready to watch soap operas. The credits of one particular soap opera was coming on and it showed a woman that was walking on the beach with a man and the woman that was holding a man’s tan and the woman that was, he was giving her her wine to drink and he swept off her feet.
Victor Bell: And then it was a scene where they were in the bathtub, had her like a golf in his arms. I was like, why? I like what he’s doing? That looks cool. I want to do that. But then the way she was responding to him was beyond amazing to me. The other scenes that led up to it. It made me feel like she’s loved. And I immediately, at that moment, I said, I want to be her. Not only do I want to feel what she feels physically, I want to feel what she feels on the inside, because the way she’s responding, she has to be totally in love and accepted and wanting submissive to him. I didn’t know. These words were not part of my vocabulary. Then that’s what I felt like. She, this was the completion of what a person should want to feel. I equated real love as what women get or girls get, because I had never seen a man be loved like that, or can respond in a way where he could be at feel totally safe. But I felt it was that she feels completely safe in this man’s arms. That’s where, that’s where that started from.
Shea: Like, it’s so amazing that like, from a beginning of a soap opera, not even the soap opera itself, but a thought is put into someone’s mind. Yeah.
Michelle: Definitely encourage people who want to hear the full story to check out Vic’s book. This is a very controversial topic. There’s a lot of people who are saying that, what happened to Vick is impossible rather than just stopping there and proclaiming this truth pill. It’s led you to declare all of God’s truths with the same conviction. You declare the one that happened to you personally, right? When you were saying,
Victor Bell: And areas where God has prepared for me to go and speak and to share my testimony, he’s gotten all of the Lord through power of his love transcript of this love transformation for people to see the demonstration, the demonstration of power to his love. People have come up to me and said it. Testimony was awesome. And it was amazing. And people have reached out to me, you know, for counsel and not just about homosexuality, but about lust, sexual morality, sexual impurity, married people secretly and say, can I talk to you? I’m struggling with infidelity. They privately shared their struggles with me and God has allowed me to minister to them. And then on the other hand, it’s been met with some opposition. He’s still gay. He’s lying. His wife is crazy. She’s lying to herself. There even been believers that could claim Christ. Jesus said, I don’t believe it.
Victor Bell: But I had a friend. I shared my testimony on another podcast, the world versus the word. Yeah. They asked the young one of the young ladies. I don’t believe it. And he said, okay, since you claimed Jesus as Lord, do you, I can understand you not if you don’t believe him, but do not believe, do all through God that all things are possible. And she was stuck. She was like, well, I guess what, I just so you know, but the reception has been 50/50, but the most powerful reception I’ve gotten is not from believers. It’s not from non-believers. It’s from people that are curious. And when they say you make me believe that people that are born gay can be changed five minutes ago. You didn’t believe that I’ve had friends. I’ve had colleagues, clinical colleagues have read my book and they’re fascinated. And they said, I want to ask you more questions, a liberal society.
Victor Bell: So they’re like, well, I don’t really care if you are, or you aren’t. But just the fact that you’re so bold to talk about it. I’ve had teenagers that asked me like, Hey, mr. Bell, can I talk to you about this? Like, I didn’t expect this to come from you, but because some of them are struggling with homosexuality or they are given to it right now. So that’s been the reception that I’ve gotten, but God is exalted in it. Because as Paul said, whether he’s preached out a contention, whether he’s restarted jealousy, whether he’s preached out of envy, whether he’s preached up because of my bonds, as long as Jesus is preached, then God is exalted. I like what you said there though. Choice. It’s like, are we willed? We want to be willed into that’s. That’s the
Shea: Normal societal idea. We can get this change or this change or this change. And then that’ll wheel people into doing the right thing. But see, at the end of the day, it’s an individual thing. Yes. That person has to make a choice. That person has been given free will. And that’s, what’s beautiful. Imagine the demon possessed, man, you know, he’s demon possessed. Jesus comes in there. He sends, he sends it onto the pigs and then he goes, all right now, Hey, look, return to your home and tell what great things God has done. And he went his way and proclaimed throughout the whole city. What great things Jesus had done for him. Imagine the same receptions. I’ll bet you people were like, Oh yeah, I can, I can dig that. Or, or like, nah, nah, something else, man. This must be some other like, cause I mean they had a lot of witch witchcraft back then they had a lot of idol worship. They had a lot of demons. Let’s just call it what it is. They had a lot of demons, this crazy dude that would break chains. And all of a sudden he’s like, I’m free. And it was God. Right. But you know what? His testimony reached people just like, you know, your testimony is reaching people.
Michelle: It says in Proverbs 3, depend on God’s wisdom. Not on our own understanding the world right now. They only have their understanding. Even if they don’t have theirs. And they’re leaning on the understanding of a false God, it’s still a manmade, false God in John 17. There it says, now I am coming to you. I told them many things while I was with them in this world. So they would be filled with my joy. I have given them your word and the world hates them because they do not belong to the world. Just as I do not belong to the world. I’m not asking you to take them out of the world, but to keep them safe from the evil one, they do not belong to this world any more than I do make them Holy by your truth, teach them your word, which is truth.
Michelle: Just as you sent me into the world, I am sending them into the world and I give myself as a Holy sacrifice for them. So they can be made Holy by your truth. And when Jesus was praying this prayer to the father, it made me think how people are like the little toddlers who just let whatever they like dictate what they eat off their plate and the food. It’s like, what do I like today? I’m going to eat that and avoid, I’m going to spit out the onion. I’m going to spit out the leafy greens like our daughter does. You know, she’s artful at rooting a mouth full of food in and then picking out exactly what she doesn’t want. And that’s what the world does. And that’s what some people who claim Christ do. They’re like, this makes me uncomfortable. This offense me. I’m going to find a church that doesn’t talk about that. Ignore this verse. Truth. Pills will make us be hated because these are the things that make people uncomfortable. These are the leafy greens and the onions I mean, they’re lies that are candy-coated, they’re really so that the world will punish them and choose them over the leafy greens. And we’re like, no, you’re going to eat your vegetables because that’s, what’s going to get you a good immune system. Sorry, not sorry. Then there’s those who are like, no, I want to be healthy. I will eat these greens. You know? And that’s, that’s the kind of thing that we’re talking about.
Shea: So then I want to throw it out to the panel and probably I want Vic to come back on this one harder than probably us. The gospel is not enough. I know we’ve all heard it. I know. We’ve all heard. I see I’m watching him on a video. Y’all just saw this. Like, I’m gonna let you go with that one. Yeah.
Victor Bell: 2 Timothy 3:16. All scripture is given by the inspiration of God. That means that anything that you get from the Bible is given by the inspiration of God. It’s profitable, meaning it’s good. It’s beneficial for doctrine, for reproof, for correction and instruction of lights. It can affirm itself. It can say up against the test of time, circumstance and ideology and different theories and different gods and different hearsays, different laws in a different cultural shifts that understandings popping up opinions and songs and movies and politicians and all of the things that we see today that we’re trying to oppose any opposition, social media, awards shows, and depth and life and all those things. It can, it can reprove itself in a farm itself above all that. And then it can correct. And it can instruct you to do the right thing all the time. And that in a nutshell is enough. That’s the gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ to bring the kingdom of God, to the earth and all the things concerning Jesus Christ, because he has the way the truth and the light of how we should govern ourselves, want to be in right standing with God.
Victor Bell: That’s more than enough. The only reason why it’s not enough is because someone wants their own wheel and their own way to control their own lives. That’s it. And if that’s what you want, then it will never be enough for you because every wind and doctrine and teaching every new song, every new politician, every new law, every new culture statement, every new piece of entertainment, every new role, every new theory, every new DNC, every new God, every new feeling, every new sensation is going to change your mind to fit where you want to be or when you want to be accepted or what you’re afraid to give up. So the gospel will never be enough for you.
Shea: That sounds like lukewarm to me.
Victor Bell: Yeah. That’s exactly what it is. So I watch a lot of documentaries on former crime figures and or gangsters. Now, the reason why I say and or because every crime figure is not a real gangster. You may have done illegal things. You may have killed people, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re a gangster until you are faced with time or death and you keep your mouth shut. If the gospel is not enough, then one day when somebody offers you something that is a little more satisfying at that moment, looks a little better, tastes a little better, provides more. Would you feel this immediate safety or comfort or support or financial stability that preserves your life? If the gospel is not enough, eventually you’re going to be like the crime figure. That’s not really a gangster. You reject Christ Jesus, a give your life to something else.
Victor Bell: The word of God is quick and powerful. Meaning it is, it is alive and powerful, sharper than a double dash for dividing the Sunday of the bowl. So joint and marrow and is the dishonor of the test of the heart and the inner thoughts. It’s everything you need it to be. Jesus said, call the tree good or call it evil. You will know him by his fruit sitting at the round table. Y’all gangsters that I’ll come say, Shea, Michelle. I think it may be a good idea for me to take a deal. You just say you did this. And I’ll say, I did that. And we get some time shaved though. If y’all real gases, you might text, shame. Be like, we might have to get rid of these gangsters. So that’s what I’m saying. I’m not saying we got to get rid of, but we ain’t got to judge. You should never die. But what I am saying is if you don’t want to be preserved under it, it will never be enough.
Shea: Now people believe in Jesus and we go from milk to meat. And a lot of people fall in the milk category. Yeah. Because they’re not, they’re not really dialing in that belief. Like they’re not believing that they can trust him with everything that God is in complete control. They’re not believing that no matter what happens here, he’s still there. He hasn’t vacated and said, no, no, I’m leaving this place. No, he is still there. So then I started saying, well, you know, submitted, I submit to the fact that God is real. I submit to the fact that Jesus died on a cross. I submit to the fact that the Holy spirit came inside of me right now. And that dials in a lot of people, but who’s ready to die to self, come on. Who’s ready to carry her cross and follow Jesus. See that is a whole different pill to swallow, right?
Shea: That is a pill that when every day you wake up in the morning, you’re waking up for God. You’re not waking up for yourself. Come on, look. The rest of the world is lost. They’re looking for answers. And if we don’t start looking like Jesus, if we don’t start loving like Jesus, if we don’t start obeying like Jesus, Hey Lord. If this is what you still want me to do, I’ll do it. I mean, right there in the garden, he says it obedience. If we don’t start waking up and living Christ centered lives, we’re going to look like the rest of the world. Yes. And this gospel is not going to look appealing.
Michelle: You know, in Romans 16:17-18, it says, I appeal to you brothers to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught, avoid them for such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. And by smooth talk and flattery, they deceive the hearts of the naive. And then in xc, it says for the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears, they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander into myths.
Victor Bell: Hallelujah,
Michelle: What we’re up against? You know, we had that little mini series earlier in the season where we were talking about evangelism submitting to God, what he’s given to you and saying, use me, Lord, let me share the gospel with other people truth with other people. And that’s what we’re called to be as the salt, the light, the truth of the world, like relay God to the people we see even believers, like you said, in the, in 1 Corinthians 3, where it’s talking about milk to solid food, he addresses them as brothers and sisters, right? Not just the people, but he addresses them as brothers and sisters. But then he says, you’re still not ready for me. For you are still controlled by your sinful nature, right? So there are still believers, brothers and sisters that are still controlled by their sinful nature. And that is why when we have this boldness, you’ve both had these amazing testimonies, that amazing relationship with Christ that has allowed you to get bold enough to deliver these truth pills to people, no matter what, because you’re like, I’ve tried everything else and look where it got me.
Michelle: And now I have Christ. So really there’s no reason not to share. If you don’t like me, if you come at me, if you attack me, I mean, all of this is promise, right? It’s not guaranteed. Every time you talk to someone or every time he showed the truth, but it’s promise that there will be people that hate you for it. And you will experience some sort of persecution. Whether it’s like me, who is someone told me, don’t call it Easter candy at spring candy, that’s persecution, but on a really shallow level, right? Versus someone else like Vic, who’s like, I used to be gay and now I’m not. And Jesus is the reason why, and I’m not oppressed or repressed. I’m free. That will trigger people because truth triggers, demons and people, you know, that’s, that’s what, that’s what we’re up against and loving people is why we do it. Some people will want to administer truth, to trigger people, to set people off. And the Lord says in the word, don’t do it. Do not provoke people like that. Come at them with truth to provoke them, come at them with truth, to love them, to deliver them, to point out to them. They’re in a cage. They can walk out of the keys already been established,
Shea: Right? You know, that’s and that’s proven like 2 Timothy, since we’re in second, Timothy 3:12 says yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ. Jesus will suffer. And this is what I try to tell people all the time. And I’m not trying to, to bring your hopes down. I’m not trying to, to, to kick dirt on something that already hurts, but watch this. But evil men,
Pastors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. But you must continue in the things which you have learned and be assured of knowing from whom you have learned them. Yes. Learn them. I wish I could sit around here and say, man, the world’s going to sit around of campfire, singing kumbaya. But you know what? The only time that’s going to happen is when the antichrist comes, there’s a pill to swallow. And I want people to prepare their hearts. I want people to understand truth. I want people to live in truth, man. We are going to face persecution as believers. We are going to face that are so heinous that when we probably won’t even, we don’t there’s things happening today that I don’t understand. I’m like, how can this be here? But God’s in control. And we go out there because we love people. Like she was saying, we’re not here to beat you up. We’re here to love you because man, we’re going to have to have some of that good old Jesus love to get us through each day.
Victor Bell: His love was my shock value. Wow. When I feel his love, I said, I was looking for love. I was on a quest to find like the woman in the bathroom through a long layer journey. I picked up other experiences trying to find what I thought was love. What I felt his love. Having been with several men at one time being drunk and high. At the same time, I used to throw really big parties where the capacity is full to the brim of the club and all that stuff. I’ve slept with five women in one night at the height of, you know, just being in belly of the world. None of that stuff compared to the level of God, when I felt his love, I was like, Oh, this is what this feels like. It arrested me quickly. Nothing could compare. There was no preparation for that kind of experience like whatsoever.
Victor Bell: Amen. So when I felt the Jesus, I was like, this is what love feels like, because what he said to me, I heard it all to be in my ears and my heart. He said, give me homosexuality, give me drinking, give me smoking cursing in fornication and partying every day. And I’m going to give you my love. You see how it feels when I felt it. I said, Oh, I don’t want anything else. I just want this. So when I talk about Jesus and why he is my Lord and why I’m in love with him and why I would die for him and why willing to cross my flesh, tears in my eyes and as uncomfortable as it is. And as frustrating as it may be time to, as I, Paul said, what I would do, I do not have what I do that I would, that I know that another spirit walking in my members, wretched, man, that I am living from this body of death.When I know I have to experience that I’m willing to experience it because I love him. So when I tell people about him and they said, well, how did you fall in love with Jesus? Because he, you, me, with his love from homosexuality, I would still be gay. How do I not feel his love? So it’s not a matter. It was not a matter of me of right or wrong. It was not a matter of me, of heterosexual, homosexual, gay or straight. It was a matter of love. And so when I felt his love, he took me from not feeling love to love. And it just so happened that he took homosexuality with it when he gave me his love. So now I want to tell you about my moment story with Christ Jesus. And that’s how I desire. And I’m, I’m confident that it will compel and it does compel people. And they look at me with tears in their eyes and they say, wow, that is an awesome story. I know what they’re saying. They say, well, what if I could experience love like that? Trying, Oh, taste and see, but the Lord is good. What do you have to lose?
Shea: That kind of just sums up the whole point of this, the relationship and feeling that relationship and actually feeling for the first time is, is, is how I’m hearing this. You know, we chase after what we can see, trying to fill a void that came from wherever, read his book, guys. It’s not like he grew up in a broken and abusive home, but there was a desire that could never be filled. And as you read through the book, it takes us through a beautiful story of how, as Vic said, his love, you know, we might not all experience it in that same exact way. You know, some of us might be trying to just fit in or some of us might be trying to be just accepted. It all hits us in different ways, but what’s cool is we’re all unique. And God created us and God knows how to reach us. And I like what Vic said. He said, try him.
Michelle: Because things are tainted in the world. Pills can end up being addicting. Some of them it’s like a Flintstone vitamin. You’re not going to get addicted, but, but powerful pills can get addicting. You know, truth pills can be addicting in the best way because you take one and unlike all the ones of the world that fade, and then you need to find another fix. These lasts forever. Every one that you take will last forever because it, truth is forever. It endures everything. So the more you take, the better you get, it builds up. You’re storing it. There are things that come to my mind and I’m like, I don’t know, verses very well. And then I start talking about the Lord or I hear someone who needs the word of encouragement and those verses come. And it’s the only thing like that, that I’ve ever experienced. That’s the living word, man
Shea: God’s pills are the only truth pills in existence. Let me tell you, I tell y’all and I’m sure if we went around the room right now, when I open the word of God, there’s pills that I have to swallow pride pills, this, you know, just any of those, those things that come out at us. Um, and so as you guys hear this today, we just want you to know that the word of God is living and active. The word of God is love. 1 John 4:17, right? Love has been perfected among us in this that we may have boldness in the day of yes, yes. As he is sore, we in this world, experiences love for yourself.
Victor Bell: You can’t live through other people. That’s our dog was created that’s our denominations are created and that’s how religious practice and tradition is created. And Peter said this, you are not saved from your bank conversation or the traditions of your father buy silver and gold about the precious blood of Jesus, the precious blood of the lamb without blemish or spot experiencing his love for yourself would allow you to know him as Lord. And not as someone else’s Lord or not. As with Christian people say, or church folks say, or, or religious people say, so you could have a relationship with him that you can only describe. And my story as an example of how you can develop and continue in a loving relationship with Christ Jesus, without religion, without church and without the weight of being perfect, but loving him as he loves you.
Shea: Amen. Amen. So you’ve heard it tonight, right? And you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. Amen,
Michelle: Man, this has been an awesome conversation.
Victor Bell: I’m going to say this because I want to shame the devil. I want to really, I want to attack the devil. No color of our skin could make us closer and I need that. It is because of your love of God. That’s from the bottom of my heart brother. We love you too, man. We’re humbled, man. I love how Christ brings us together. Unity. Amen. Amen.
Michelle: As always we want to hear your comments, your questions, your prayer requests. Send them to us on the as well as on our Facebook page and our Instagram. And remember to rate, comment, share, subscribe. And in the show notes, we’re going to have a link so that you can get Vick’s book, which again is from secrets with men to romance with him.
Victor Bell: You can also reach out to me on Facebook at Victor Edward, or on Instagram.
Michelle: We’ll also include his email so that if you want to contact him directly and ask him some questions, you can go ahead and do that. Thank you so much for being here. It’s been awesome. God, glory to God. Thank you all until next time everybody. Bye. Bye.