09. Sneaky Sin


We all know the “big” sins. The ones we’d never do…or the ones we really feel bad doing. But, what if God doesn’t care how big or how small, how harmless or harmful…What if it’s just about His will?


  • What are you feeding your heart?
  • Are you discerning the good from bad?
  • Is there something you can’t let go of that you should?


Hebrews 3:12-15, Galatians 5, 1 John, 1:9, 1 Corinthians 10-13, Joshua 6


“The whole reason I came to Christ is because I started looking at the things I was watching, listening and singing in the car and I was getting confused more than convicted.”

Michelle Watson, The Pantry Podcast, S01E09 (EPISODE 9)

We have to really watch what we put in. We have to discern what we put in. That’s why we were given the Holy spirit to test everything against the word.”

Shea Watson, The Pantry Podcast, S01E09 (EPISODE 9)


Shea: Lord Jesus. Thank you. Thank you for this time. Thank you for the worship earlier, hallelujah, that you reign that you are above all things, that you’re in charge, that everything is in your control, that you are the one who holds us in his hands. No matter what we go through. And no matter what we experience, we have hope in the Lord right now. Hope is a very golden word. Faith is a necessity. Yeah. People will compare things Lord to this and it’d be like, eh, it’s nothing. But you know, a lot of people haven’t been through this Lord and Lord, we lift those people right now, but let our voices be words that come from you to choose this.

Shea:  Use. This podcast use, use us. Yeah. We’re not perfect in it, but we do love you. And we do want people to hear your message and we want people to grow. We want to grow. And this grows us Lord in your name. Amen. 

Shea: We’ve really been thinking a lot about this next topic. When we think of the pantry we think of our heart, like we talked about and what changes or what changes our heart, what do we need to take out of our pantry that would usher in new and better things to make space for healthier options. Oh yeah.

Michelle: And what stuff’s just kind of riding in the back.

Shea: Right? I think I threw some of that out today and stuff that was just riding and the, actually it was healthy though. It’s horrible. As cow, anyway, back to the topic,

Michelle: We just didn’t get around to making it, man.

Shea:  That happened. Sometimes it was on topic in itself. Right there I go, right? Oh, it was fresh. It was, we didn’t use it. And it rotted. And that’s kinda like, I mean, if you think about this today, right? When we put things that don’t line up to the way God intended things to be, we rot, you can actually I’ll, I’ll come straight out and say that we rot. It just sits in there. It festers, or it grows, or Satan uses it against us. 

Shea: It’s amazing how, when we put things into our ourselves, you know, our minds, our thoughts when we watch things, when we experience things, when we go to things, when we try to make this idea of a better thing than God, and then it sits inside of us and it has an effect, I mean, cause and effect. Right? And I was really looking over some verses and I came across Hebrews 3:12-15 and I’m going to read it in the new King James. It says be where brother Lester be in any of you, an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God, but exhort one another daily while it is called today. Lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin for, we have become partakers of Christ. If we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end, while it is said today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts. As in the rebellion, I don’t know how many times I’ve sat there on a thought or an action. And it was a rebellion. It really was. It was, it was not of God. And it definitely had his tone, like just ugliness. I mean I think we both experienced that

Michelle: Yeah. Those kinds of things. Remind me of that big Costco container of M&Ms in there in the sense. So no, I mean, okay, this, this whole season is actually going to be a time capsule of the containment period of COVID-19. I think that at first we were like, let’s not bring it up, but I think it’s going to actually be hard not to because of everything that God kind of speaks to us during this time. But anyway, stocked up on food. I was like, I need some chocolate, Shay lovingly orders, a big old Costco thing of M&Ms. And I sit there and I’m like, I’m going to have a handful. I’m gonna ration these out. And last until who knows how long we’re going to be here. And then I take another handful and another handful. And on the fourth day we had them, they were half gone.

Michelle: And that’s how I feel when I have rebellious thoughts. Like there’s that flesh part of me, it feels good to hold it. Now. It also is terrible because if you eat too many of those stomach aches, if you eat too many of those, your sugar goes through the roof. You know, it’s not good for you, but they feel good the moment you keep eating them and you can’t seem to stop. You want to just keep holding it. It takes a lot to like to close it up and put it away. And the biggest thing is, you know, close up, get rid of it when it’s something sinful and rebellious. But, but that’s what it makes me think of because there’s that part of me that doesn’t want to let it go. It feels good. It feels like there’s some kind of perverse justice being served just by me. Like I’m punishing, whatever’s going on by thinking badly about it. When I could just let it go,

Shea: Can I get a witness? I’m raising my hand, she’s sitting at the table. And she’s like, I feel if I don’t feel good, I’m like, wow, I don’t know. And I’m like, okay. I’m like, are you okay? And she’s like, Oh, and I go, how many M and M’s you eat today? She goes a lot. And so basically I think she’s good.

Michelle: Hey, let’s be real. I admitted. I said, don’t worry. It’s just, I ate too many M&M’s. And you’re like, are you sure? But I was the one self aware enough to know it was my fault.

Shea: And then guess what? I had already ordered her more. And so today they show up in her hands, still in the cookie jar. Anyways,

Michelle: I divulged after the restock order.

Shea: That’s what I liked that I liked. I liked the analogy. I like the idea of, of like, what is consuming you outside of your faith? There are so many things, distractions. I like to call them. And there’s so many sins. And I mean, you know, Galatians goes through, you know, Galatians 5 goes through a lot. I mean it’s like, Oh, adultery, fornication, and contentions and jealousies and outbursts of wrath and selfish ambitions. See, I liked the last one because I mean, honestly I came to Christ and like, okay, sorcery. Definitely not me hatred. Not really. I I’m very, I’m kind of a loving guy in that sense. You know, I kind of forget things, contentions, jealousy, outbursts of wrath. If you want to say outbursts of anger, it happens occasionally. Not so much as it used to before Christ, selfish ambitions, definitely in that room.

Shea: Dissensions heresies. I’m not so much the heresies envy sometimes. I mean, these are ones that people are more in murder. I’m really, I’m not going to kill Noah. I mean, that’s just what it is. Drunkenness sober, six years, so that’s just not gonna happen. But rivalries, but I really liked that last one which pens up everything that doesn’t glorify God, you know, like, I don’t know, you go to that rated R movie. And it’s like, okay. Yeah, you sit through it. But really over time, even that starts to weigh on you, you know? And it’s like, wow. So that’s what it is. And I know the verse goes on and says that, you know, if you, you know, I tell you beforehand, just as I told you in time past that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Shea: But you know, in this, we have to understand too, that we’re talking about habitual continuous sense. We’re not talking the believer who slips the believer, who is in a struggle who really wants to stop. It’s just habitual sins. Are those things that you just like, this is you. This is what I want to be. And so we have to understand that. That’s what that means. And I’m not gonna throw that blanket, but I know that Boyce says it says it really nice. He says the tents of the verb present indicates a habitual continuous and fleshly sins rather than an isolated lapse. And the point is that those who continually practice such sins give evidence of having never received God’s spirit.

Michelle: Like to explain it as a doctor who practices medicine and someone who has a first aid kit, not saying doctors or centers, that’s not the analogy I’m saying that the title of doctor goes to someone who’s practicing professionally medicine, the person who just, I mean, when there’s a cut, they use a bandaid, you know, they use Neosporin or something like that. They’re not a practitioner of medicine, but they encounter it and use it. And so with the, when they’re saying that the thieves and liars won’t end here, we have lost those titles. Although we still sometimes do those things. Those aren’t our titles, we’re children of God, that’s our new title. Right. So we’re not a professional that practices actively knowingly and desiring only those things.

Shea: Right. That’s a, that’s a good definition. I like that. And it just takes us back, but what’s in our pantry. So we’re, we’re back to that same question. And I know something that we’ve fought for a long time. Netflix. I’ll just let me throw it out there. Hey, if you, if you have Netflix, look, I’m not here to judge. I’m just going to give you my experience and then you can weigh it, you know, against, against Netflix. And I mean, and here’s the reality. We would sit there and accept things and I would sit there and say, Oh man language, Oh, well, you know, whatever language. And then that’d be like, Oh, violence or, or whatever else. And you kind of just check those off. It’s kinda like, ah, okay, right. What do you expect? And I need something to just sit and vege on.

Shea: So whatever. And then it’s kind of funny though, as, as those times, come on, it’s like your wife walks in or your mother-in-law walks in and it’s like the F bomb or this bomb. And it’s like, your heart starts to seize up, but you still watch it. It’s amazing. You’re like, well, I’ll just turn the volume down. This is my life. And it was like, not all the time, not consuming, not everything, but just every once watch sit down and it’s like, I just want to sit in the front of the TV. If you guys do my life, it’s like, constant, go, go, go, go, go, go. And I was like, well, this is Netflix. I have it. Turn it on. But watch this when agendas that I didn’t like started to be pushed. Now it became an issue, but it should have been an issue back then.

Shea: I should have already been cleaning out my pantry because all I was doing was numbing myself to truth. And so what, what would we end up doing? I finally canceled it. And I, you know, I did, I finally died pure flakes and I want to be on it. I was apprehensive about pure Flix. It’s been on my mind for a long time. And I was like, I don’t know what the acting is going to be, even going to have any shows. Cause I’m like army dude. And I like, you know, my battles, my wars. And it’s still look y’all, I haven’t watched it. We just downloaded it. And I’m not even sure if that’s there, but I’m like, I’m done Netflix. 

Shea: And so we moved forward, but see, in our pantry, what are, this is what I’m dialing in. Those, those, those things that we hold on to those things that we keep in there, those themes, they give Satan an opportunity to come and use something against you.

Shea: He loves to use the things that we haven’t fixed. He loves to use the things. Of course God’s fixed everything. Let’s let’s just, I like throwing that out there too. On the cross. He died for my sins. The blood covers me. I am a new man, a new creation. It is no longer I, but him who lives in me. But see here’s this Holy spirit sitting there going brother, every time you turn to this, you turn on me off. I’m not kicking him out. He can’t be kicked out. He’s always there, but I’m turning them off. 

Shea: I’m going away from him. He sits in there, come, come back, come back. That’s not going to do you any good. You need to clean that out of that pantry. You need to clean that out of your heart. The heart is deceitful. I mean, it’s deceitful In fact, it drives you. And when you allow these things to be inside of you, you’re finished. And I, and I say that very confidently.

Michelle: Yeah, I was so this’ll be its own episode. But the whole reason I came to Christ is because I started looking at the things I was watching and listening to the things I was singing in the car and I was getting confused more than convicted. Right. Cause I didn’t have the Holy spirit at that point, but I was getting confused because I was like, what do these lyrics even mean? That I’m singing with such passion. 

Michelle: Things just seem to be getting darker and darker and darker. And so I started looking like Googling the lyrics and rather than just looking at them to memorize them so I could recite them without thinking. I started actually reading them and thinking critically about what they were saying. And so for the last six years, that’s led me down, both rabbit holes and revelations, right. Where, where you can get really caught up in, you know, what they mean by this?

Michelle: What it could mean whatever, but more than anything, it’s just, those were not words of life whatsoever. Right. And at first I was like, well, I’ll listen to it. Some, I remember when I first came to Christ, I happened to have a 10th Avenue North CD. I got from the thrift store that I didn’t even know they were a Christian band. And then I got saved and I was like, wait, those lyrics they’re resonating different. And I started listening to them and realized, right. So I started listening to that. And so the radio, but I had the top 40 station and anytime a song, I felt too convicted about came on. I would switch to Christian radio. And then if there was a Christian song, I was like, that’s not my style. I would flip back to top 40. That’s kind of what happened with Netflix, for me.

Michelle: And then when it started pushing the wrong agenda is when I saw kids being when I started at it and being like these kids are being hypersexualized way, too young, you know, in too many shows, why am I supporting this? And I just started getting turned off for all these different reasons that, you know, at the beginning, it wasn’t like ripping off a bandaid. It was just this slow working with God as my relationship with him built those kinds of things. 

Michelle:I lost interest or I would get annoyed when I would see them or I would get kind of turned off. And I think that that’s really beautiful in a way that, you know, he doesn’t always just snatch things instantly because he knows you will still want them until you realize on your own that they don’t have life in them. And that he can offer something better.

Shea: We have to really watch what we put in. We have to discern what, what we put in. That’s why we were given the Holy spirit to test everything against the word. When we’re not testing it against the word, we’re going to put things into our, into our heart, into our, our thing. But you know, I love the fact that, you know, I can call out and say, Hey, clean me. Oh Lord. I liked the idea that, you know what, when I recognize it, like you’re talking about, you know, it’s not like I have to be disgusted in myself or I don’t have to be beating myself up, but I can sit in front of my father, sit at his throne, sit at his feet and just say, look, cleanse my heart. Oh Lord. 

Shea: My best way to change is to just be available to lay it out there. Be honest, don’t have the black box inside that you pack something away and that you hold that you hold, but undo that box. Open that box. Sometimes it hurts. Sometimes you open that box and you hate what you see. You hate who you are. You hate that thought that you have, but you know what that’s part of cleaning the pantry. That’s part of cleaning the heart. 

Michelle: Love it so much. You could absolutely. You know, you still don’t want to give it up, go either way. Right. Sometimes the thing that’s in the box is the thing you’re the most ashamed of. And sometimes it’s the thing, you know, is wrong to love and right. Exactly. And so you just don’t want to hear conviction about that. You’re like, please not this, this is that one thing.

Shea: Yeah. You know that thing that you love ends up being that thing that you hate, right. Once you see it for what it is, once you see it for what it is, it is a really good point because sometimes he told he was see it, why I didn’t come and surrender to Christ for so many years, they didn’t want to give up the party. I mean, that was, I mean, and I knew, I knew that if I was to sit in the position that God intended me to be sitting in, although that had to go and I loved it too much. Yeah. But you know, at the same time I could also see it deteriorating me. It’s amazing how something that you think you love in the world deteriorates you so bad, but what’s really cool. There’s this beautiful transition. God definitely gives us a way out.

Shea: God definitely gives us a way to be healed. He gives us a way to be lifted up out of the, miraclay. I love how she finishes it for me. I love it. It’s really cool. It’s really cool that he’s there. I liked 1 John, 1:9. It’s like if we confess our sins, I know that sometimes we sit there and go, but no, I think sometimes that word confession is just a recognition. It’s kind of like what I was saying before. When we bring it to his throne, it’s like here, Lord. Here’s what it is. And he knew it. This is what’s cool. When he says it, this is his words. These are my words. I can sit here all day and just talk. But he is faithful and just forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us from all righteousness.

Shea: See, he’s like, dude, get, get past the point of like, I’m not good enough. Get past the point of I’m just hopeless or get past the point of it’s never going to be better and just trust in me because he’s going to cleanse that. He’s going to take that away. We take way too much on, you know, like I’m sitting here talking about cleaning out your pantry. And I know that immediately, the thought of a lot of people’s heads, including mine. Okay. What do I need to do? Take it out. Nope. Recognize it. That’s it. I’ve got this thing called the three RS. It’s recognize, repent, recover, because I really liked the idea that you find it. You see it. You say, okay, Lord, here it is the key, you know the confession, right? Hey, I don’t like this, but here’s, what’s really cool. Is he, at that point, you’re like here late in his hands.

Shea: And then you recover. If you get caught looking back, you’re in trouble. If you get caught sticking back there, you’re in trouble, but we move forward. Right. And he’s cool because he’s already told us to in 1 Corinthians 10-13, no temptation has overtaken you. That is not common to man. That is cool. Like this ain’t new, this ain’t new sauce to him. It ain’t like I’m throwing him some, some ball that he’s never seen before. He’s like, Oh, that’s that curve ball. That’s coming at 88.3 miles per hour. I mean, he’s that specific? You know, it’s like our guns read it. It’s like 88, 87. But what about all those extra little digits 

Michelle: He knows exactly how much it’s going to affect you based on your exact makeup. It makes me think of everything from Exodus to Joshua, where the Israelites are out there and they’re, they’re being told what they need to conquer and when they need to conquer it and how over and over, if they go in and they don’t completely annihilate everything God says to annihilate, you hear about the after effects and either it’s that they were having to live side by side or the people that they were supposed to utterly destroy were now in charge of them or they started intermarrying with them. But regardless, if you think about that, as you, as your pantry, and these are the things he wants you to completely annihilate and you don’t, you might take some of it, but not all of it. It’s a great warning of what happens.

Michelle: Sometimes you enslave it, but it’s still there. It’s still not a God wants, but you’re using it for what you think is a good thing. Or it’s still in charge of you. Or you get to a point where you think it’s actually a blessing when it’s not right. And that all gets wrapped up in a bow with this one verse in Joshua 6, where it says, do not take any of the things set apart for destruction or you yourselves will be completely destroyed and you will bring trouble on the camp of Israel. Now we have God’s grace. We have the Holy spirit. So completely destroyed. No. This verse is talking about the physical and the bin. And then there, and we’re looking from a spiritual, eternal perspective, but there’s a lot of destruction that can happen when you don’t completely allow him to scoop it out and trust. Like you said, that what he wants you to take out, he knows how much it’s going to affect you.

Shea: That’s true. That’s true. It’s kind of cool. Like even in that second part of the first Corinthians, Hey, God is faithful and he will never let you be tempted beyond your ability. You know, it’s like as we have that faith in him, he starts to make the temptations less. The more submitted we are, the more in faith, we are, these things no longer grab me the hooks. Like they used to grab me. And I love that. Like that carries over into the last part of Galations five, you know? And it’s the fruits, you know, when you can sit in situations, when you’re forming your pantry, you know, when you’re allowing your heart to be healed, that’s really big. I mean, I don’t think we always think of it that way, but if our heart is wicked and deceived, it’s like it needs healing. It needs a restructuring.

Shea:  It needs to go into a good color, right? A beautiful color, his color. And you know, that’s that blood, that’s that blood, his colors, that blood that covers us. And then we get those ideas of having peace, the joy, the love, you know, the kindness that we can, we can be in long suffering. We can sit in a house during COVID-19 and just be in a spirit of health, a healthy spirit, because man, it’s so easy to get caught up in the hoopla. And we’ll use that is an old term, but the hoopla, the frenzy

Michelle: Actually, when a lot of people can’t work, right.

Shea: You know, we we’ve almost had that today. You know, her mom lives with us and we thought we, she was coming home to her last day for who knows how long. And then all of a sudden she works for a construction company. So, Hey look, they got it in, you know, it’s kind of something that’s necessity. And what a blessing, you know, on that. But you know what, at the end of the day, you know, we got a young daughter and sometimes that’s my, my thorn because man, if it’s me or you I’m like, well, we got it, man. We’ll take care of it. You throw a child into, you’re like, Oh man, but that’s another story for another day. But you know what? I give it to God that at the end of the day, what do I do? I take that feeling. I take that thought, I take that, that idea.

Shea: And I just give it to God. And I say, you know what? And nothing can do today. When she fell and busted her tooth, stuck, halfway up into her head, give it to God and you know what it worked itself out. So when we look at our pantry, guys, just, you know what, be open, be honest with God and sometimes be open and honest with yourself, run it through the strainer because you know, there’s things that we don’t even see. 

Shea: So read the word. If you, if you think it might be or might not be pray to God, give it to God, say, Hey God, is this or isn’t this. And you know what? He will guide your path. He will light your path. He will take you where you need to go, but you just got to trust and submit and have faith that he’s going to cover you. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Michelle: Awesome. We’d love to join you in prayer about something you might’ve started thinking about because of today’s episode. So if you have any comments, questions, or prayer request to visit us at podcast and let us know until next time. Bye. 

Shea: Bye.


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