The Pantry Podcast

125: Silent, but Loud with America’s Nature Guy Peter Schriemer

Nature // S10E04 Just as God created many upon many different types of creatures, each with their own abilities and specialties, so God creates us, humankind, each with our own gifts and talents. Because of this, we don’t do things the same… especially in sharing His gospel. By His grace, there are many ways, ways…

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124: Conversations Without Compromise with James Rayment of the Al-Ma’idah Initiative

Truth in Love // S10E03 We are called to and long to share the truth, the gospel of Jesus Christ with others. Yet, sometimes it is a struggle not to compromise our message for the sake of others opinions or friendships. But this doesn’t have to be the case! Today, James Rayment joins us to…

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123: Having a Defense for Your Faith with Holly Varnum of Reasons for Hope

Biblical Truth // S10E02 A recent study reported that only 17% of professing Christians have a Biblical worldview. In the battle for souls, we are called to rightly handle the truth—which means there is a wrong way. How do we share the Word and have a defense for the hope we have without a Biblical…

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122: Go and Tell the World About Me

Commissioned // S10E01 Welcome to season 10! We are super excited you are here with us! Today, we lay the foundation for the rest of the season, exploring one of the most significant ideas He has called believers to. But its one thing to hear this, and another to put into practice. How do we…

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121: What Does God Want From Me?

My Obedience // SO9E13 Time to tie things together! In our last episode of season 9 we connect what the major themes from the season and look at what is means for us going forward. What has He called us to? What does He want us to do? We hope you enjoy this episode and…

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120: Judge Not

Discerning // S09E12 Judge not. So says the first verse of Matthew 7. A verse more misinterpreted than possibly any other in scripture. In today’s episode we dive into what the context and true meaning of Matthew 7 tell us about this verse. What Jesus is telling us about not judging as well as the…

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119: Quenching the Spirit

Understanding God’s Will // S09E11 Don’t quench the Spirit… but what does that mean? What does quenching even mean in the first place? In todays episode we unpack this idea and focus on what we are called to do, allowing His Spirit to work in us, the opposite of quenching the Spirit. And when we…

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118: For My Greater Good with Kristen Clark

God’s plan for us // S09E10 Freedom and surrender are two words that you don’t often see paired together, but in the Christian walk, that’s exactly where they ought to be! Today Kristen Clark joins us to talk about her own experience surrendering to God and then finding freedom in Him. God has a plan…

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117: From Gangs to Glory with Tuan Nguyen

Starting Over // S09E09 We are all broken, whether we realize it or not. We are all rebellious, whether we realize it or not. And we all need Christ, whether we think we do or do not. When we realize our need for Him, for His leadership in our lives we can finally be made…

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116: All In Your Head with Christian Counselor Toccarra Hudson

Imagination Issues // S09E08 Sin. The great sickness all suffer from. Yet, there is healing for us that comes from one place, and one place only, that is our Father. So often we are stuck in our own minds trying to escape our problems by our own will. But we can never break free. The…

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115: Yoked

His Light and Easy Burden // S08E07 Who are you connected to? And who ought we to be connected to? Anything we latch on to in this world is only temporary. It will all to soon be gone. But to be yoked to Christ is eternal! He takes from us our heavy yokes and gives…

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114: As For Me and My House

Serving Him // S09E05 There are two choices in life. To serve Him, or to reject Him. One leads to an eternity of grace, the other to an eternity of suffering. Though the world may call His way evil, believers, as part of the house of the Lord must take our stand against these things…

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113: Escaping Sexual Shame with Carl Thomas, Pastor and CEO of XXXChurch

Finding Christ’s Plan // E05S09 We do not have to be trapped. Our sexual shame so often becomes the tallest wall preventing us from deliverance from the very sin that leads to that shame! We think we are the only ones who struggle and are afraid to be honest about our struggles. Yet, we are…

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112: God’s Dictionary with Mark Sowersby, Author of Forgiving the Nightmare

God’s Dictionary with Mark Sowersby // E04S09 Living hope, living salvation, the living word. His word. Through it God shows us His great love for us and through this love leads us to obedience. Step by step he guides, even in the “valley of the shadow of death.” Today, author and Pastor, Mark Sowersby, joins…

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111: The Dorean Principle with Conley Owens, Silicon Valley Pastor and Author of The Dorean Principle

The Dorean Principle // S09E03 Money. Possibly no single thing causes human kind more debate and strife than that of money. And from a Christian standpoint, how should we view money? How should ministries handle money and receive support. Most importantly how can we be in obedience to Him in all of our financial actions?…

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