The Pantry Podcast

82: God Intentions

Do you mean “good” or God? // S07E01 What’s the difference between good intentions and God intentions? There’s actually no good without God, but we can easily mean well but be outside of God’s will—and that gets us and others into trouble. Where are your intentions taking you, and how is that impacting your future…

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81: Brain, Washed

How cleansed is your mind? //S06E13 In our final episode of Season 6: Re-Wired, we reflect on the unexpected happenings of the last few weeks. From being a beat away from owning a farm in Arkansas to COVID, it’s been a challenging—and edifying—time. We truly realized how far our minds have come in how we…

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80: Turning to Samaria with Josh Proctor

Who are you reaching? //S06E12 You may very well be carrying out the Great Commission, but is there a group you secretly don’t even feel like bothering with? A type of person that you find yourself dismissing from your call to share the Word? Maybe because there’s something about them you aren’t a fan of,…

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79: The Real Estate with Allen Laine

What are you focused on? //S06E11 Are the day-to-day demands of life getting to you? Do you have trouble looking to the kingdom? We live in an age of HDTV where everybody is a remodeler and a renovator, but we must look beyond to eternity and to the foundation of it all. What does your…

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78: Fame-Less

What does The Bible Say about Fame? // S06E10 Does God want to help you become famous? When is the last time you heard someone say they want to be famous? When is the last time you were shocked at the reason WHY someone was famous? This week we dig into the roots of fame…

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77: Walking Dead with Kareemah El-Amin

Are you living in the flesh? //S06E09 Are you living rewired? Or are you walking dead? Three types of death, don’t get stuck in the middle. God has so much more for you to find when you let yourself die to the flesh. Listen to today’s episode to find how to live fully by dying…

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76: Self: Love with Donovan McReynolds & Ashley Okada

What is self-love? / S06E8 What is self-love? And why does it do more harm than good? Culture tells us to love ourselves first but that self-love leads to temporary satisfaction and it takes you to rely on yourself rather than on He who created you. Self love is a lie but God’s love is…

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75: The Future is Revelation 21

LIVING WITH AN ETERNAL MINDSET// S06E07 Are you getting caught up in what the world wants? What do you want? And is it what God wants for you? It’s easy to get caught up in the desires of this world but when we start living in an eternal mindset everything changes. What you do today…

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74: You’re Not Enough with Rebekah White

God is more than enough // S06E06 What do you do when those insecurities creep up? When everything you do feels like it’s not enough? When you’re stuck because you feel so undeserving of good? Listen to this episode to hear how we will never be enough YET when God gave His perfect son He…

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73: Walls Down with Michael Kent and Tiffany Whittier

Your Past Doesn’t Define You // S06E05 Don’t be afraid to love on those that are completely different than you! Those that have different views, appearances or backgrounds, they may be completely outside of your comfort zone but you may well be the only person that can help them. You could be the one to…

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72: Happy Lies with Micaela & Natalie Deegan, Shawn Quintero, and Nicholas Ruffin

What is happiness? // S06E04 Happy lies, what are they? And what is the difference between worldly happiness and what happiness is with God? Being a Christian isn’t freedom from pain, worry, or sadness but it is freedom knowing that God has the final say and it will all work out for good. Freedom that…

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71: Do the Work with J Warner Wallace

Cold Case Christianity | Instagram | The Thin Blue Life | Buy J Warner Wallace Books on Amazon (affiliate link) FORENSIC FAITH // S06E03 How are you going to counteract the hostility of the world? How are you going to live out The Great Commission? And are you willing to put in the work to…

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70: Open Cages

LIVE OUTSIDE THE BOX // S06E02 Are you wearing God’s identity? Are you walking in the freedom found in Christ? The cage is unlocked and open, ready for you to walk out in freedom. You’re free to serve God in everything that counts. Don’t be a slave to a mentality that keeps you incaged and…

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69: That Won’t Preach

What does The Bible say // S06E01 We all know what popular opinion is. We’ve all heard preach it being shouted. But what happens when a popular opinion or what is classified as mainstream muddles what truth already says? This episode is all about seeking God’s wisdom, His truth, and refocusing our thoughts on Him….

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68: Go Forth And

God will provide // S05E12 How can we thrive in uncertainty when it’s all so…uncertain? The better we understand who God says He is and what He has promised, the more we can move forward with faithful confidence that what comes next can bring Him glory. This episode is a dedicated blessing to all of…

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