What does The Bible say // S06E01

We all know what popular opinion is. We’ve all heard preach it being shouted. But what happens when a popular opinion or what is classified as mainstream muddles what truth already says? This episode is all about seeking God’s wisdom, His truth, and refocusing our thoughts on Him. Christ came to free us, to live in His peace don’t let others’ words or opinions influence what you think of Him.


John 14:6, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Proverbs 19, Genesis 1:27, Isaiah 65:17, Luke 19:10, Timothy 3:13, and James 1:5.


  • What does God say?
  • Are you listening to God’s truth and His commandments?
  • What are you allowing into your mind?


“The more you grow in your relationship with Christ, the more rewiring there is. And one of the most dangerous things that we can do to ourselves is to allow ourselves to accept compromises as a fact, to take the world’s culture and try to retrofit it to be okay.”

Michelle Watson, The Pantry Podcast, That Won’t Preach.

“Are we applying life to the Bible or Bible to life?”

Shea Watson, The Pantry Podcast, That Won’t Preach.


Michelle: How sensitive are you to the tiny toxic tweaks that make their way into biblical messages and sermons conversations and social media. We’re kicking off season six with an episode designed to reinforce the simple truth that all that glitters is not gold. And all that is outside of Christ is dead.

Shea: Hey, I’m Shea.

Michelle: And I’m Michelle.

Shea: There’s a battle being waged. It’s not flesh, it’s not blood, it’s spiritual, and we need to be prepared. The last thing a warrior wants on the battlefield is spiritual anemia. So when the enemy attacks we need to be prepared

Michelle: We don’t always realize where the attacks are coming from or that we’re being attacked at all. This is the pantry podcast, and we’re here to remind you of who we answer to what we’re capable of, and how we are called to do it in every aspect of our lives.

Shea: This is season six, rewired when you’re saved, you’re saved for good, but we all experienced sanctification differently. The more we grow in our relationship with the Lord, the more he transforms and renews our minds. The more we cut the cords of this world, the more we’re charged up in him this season, we’re arming you with the sermon of some of the culture’s most toxic snares

Michelle: Support our ministry, reaching the lost and found in over 35 countries with spiritual and literal nutrition. Every one-time and recurring donation makes a lasting impact, donate through Patreon or pantrypodcast.com. And now let’s dig into the meal.

Shea: Oh, right. Hey, what’s up? Hello? Yeah, we are in season six. I want to say gold, but

Shea: But season six, what man? Who would’ve thought!

Michelle: It’s a very cool season. You just heard the promo for the season before this. So you know what we’re about and you know what this season’s about. And now it’s time to find out what’s this episode about

Shea: Well, first of all, season six rewired, this episode is called that won’t preach.

Shea: I think everyone has heard this now, preach it. Or, you know, but watch this. Are we applying life to the Bible or Bible to life? I mean, that is really what this episode is about. It’s like, what are we listening to? What are we allowing into our, our, minds and our hearts, right? What are we allowing to penetrate? Is it of God? Or is it a world? Is it look, does it look like an angel light? And we have to sit there and like discern it, but let me tell you something about this little angel light thing. He’ll twist. He will twist and twist the verses. And we have to understand this. Now. Sometimes there’s one offer, man. It’s like, it’s just one little thing like, oh yeah, no, but we have to understand something. And when I look at this, I came up, you know, there’s this perspective kind of like you have a banana, right. We’re looking at a banana. Okay, beautiful little, okay. I’m saying this beautiful little banana. You might sit there and say it’s brown. I don’t know. Do you know what I’m saying? It’s like, but how we look at it, right? A botanist looking at the banana classifies an artist, sees it as still life and draws it. A grocer sees it as an asset and inventories, a child sees lunch and eats it.
Shea: That girl was still a banana off the counter. Okay. Anyway, that’s another story. She’ll take it off the counter, take a bite and then be like, I’m done. I’m like,

Michelle: Unless I’ve learned, if it’s too right, it’s one bite and done. If it’s her preference of rightness, it’s all gone in like 10 minutes.

Shea: I use that analogy only because it’s like that, that, that is when we allow or when we put different algorithms to things, we see them in a different perspective. Let me tell you something. The Bible never distinguishes between a religious and secular life. It never, it doesn’t a Christian life or a, you know, sometimes people might be like, oh, the religious life. No, no. I’m saying the Christian life, a Christ-centered life, and secular life, the Christian life is the only life there is biblical. Right? It’s like, that’s it. That’s true. That is it. Jesus proclaimed himself the way, the truth in life in John 14:6, uh, and in doing so became a worldview. I like the Bible. I personally like it. You know, ’cause it’s, it’s definitely all scripture. That’s breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training and righteousness, that the man of God listen to this may be competent, equipped for every good work.

Shea: 2 Timothy 3:16-17. It definitely lines you. It’s how we look at things. You know, I know that I have to reel myself in sometimes because Shea wants to play. He wants to play. And then, and then the Bible is like, you grab that Bible. Like it’s a weapon, you know, and it’s not God’s weapon at that point. It’s your own weapon. And you really have to stop for a minute and you have to take that breath and really let God work because what, look, I never want to be caught in a category that won’t breed. I mean, I’m going to get things wrong sometimes, but I don’t want to get the important things wrong. I want to make sure that people are getting this, this truth, this life this way.

Michelle: Yeah. It goes back to something that we’ve talked about before. Just this idea of it’s better, to be honest with yourself than to change, like to change reality so that you’re no longer doing the wrong thing. And that’s pretty much what that won’t preach. When we came up with the title were sitting around, talking about all the rewiring that comes when you start submitting areas of your life to Christ. Salvation is the initial entryway. But the more you grow in your relationship with Christ after that, the more rewiring is, is just going to happen. And one of the most dangerous things that we can do to ourselves is to allow ourselves to accept compromises as a fact and take the world’s culture and try to retrofit it to be still okay. And I’ve done it myself. That’s why I know it’s dangerous. Like I’m not just saying this like holier than now.

Michelle: Our hearts are deceitful and wicked. So if you hear something in the world that says, follow your heart, that won’t preach, right? Right. If it says, lay your life down. And the two most important commandments are to love the Lord, your God, and love your neighbor. Then self-love being the priority that won’t preach. And we can sit here all day. We’re actually going to talk about both those topics this season, but there are so many things like if you think about what the word says, sometimes you’ll hear something that’s off. That’s coming at you in a way that could temporarily benefit you. Or it sounds nice. The person saying this is attractive or whatever, it has a catchy beat to it. And you try to justify it. And that’s a trick. That’s the fake angel of light, right? Darkness, cloaking itself in the right language or the right emotions to get you to let it in the house. But it takes his clothes off. You don’t want that run and wreaking havoc in your space,

Shea: Right? Feelings, emotions. Now I stand on the side. God gave us feelings and emotions. Yeah. I mean, that’s what makes us cool. Actually. It’s like, otherwise we’d walk around and look and kind of like just kind, blah, like maybe spark star Trek, no emotion, no whatever. It’s like, but, but he gave us emotion. And that’s what we gotta be careful. And these feelings, these emotions, these views and perspectives that are based on these, there’s a lot of things in this that we experienced in this, in this world that really can get us fired up. I mean, from love to joy, the happiness, the guilt to anger, to disappointment, to fear, but how are we harnessing those? And I think this is where we run into, a problem when it comes to being true to the word of God, this is where we run into a problem.

Shea: When we start to put ourselves in front of what the word says, well, I feel this way. Well, the Bible tells you to feel a different way. You know, it’s kinda like how you said earlier. It’s the hardest we get. Well, the Bible is giving us answers to it. We can heart. And if we allow our emotions to take over, then we allow, we allow the wicked heart to stand out. We allow those thoughts to stand out. We start to make choices based on our anger or our disappointments or depressions, you know, whatever it is, whatever it is. Cause we see some ugly things in this world. We see some things that, that we just don’t understand that we want to take control of ourselves. And it’s like, wait, wait, wait, wait. I don’t know how many times I had to step back in this rewiring.

Shea: I am a percentage guy. I used to love to throw percentages at people and because I used to do it and I was really good at it. That is one of the things that sometimes rares its little head up and when something goes wrong in the atmosphere, the world, the news, the media, the whatever, I’ll find myself, start to search a certain way, watch the way I feel. So see, I’m not claiming I’m the right way. I’m just saying the way I feel. And I find that percentage that fits me and I’ve had to stop myself because see, God didn’t come in here with the percentages. You know, if anything, the only percentage I’ve ever heard of in the whole Bible. Okay. Mine is like, okay, sorry. I’m we’re not talking about ties. This one either. We’re not talking about giving right now, but I’m talking about 99 to 1. 99 to one is a percentage I can live by. You know, it was like, okay, cool. He going to have to, the one we need to apply truth. We need whatever comes in, whatever. Sometimes we have to step back and see complete chaos and not pointed at the people or the person or the thing. But point who’s really behind all of it. I think we’ve had this discussion several times over the last, at least a few months. And you’ve used the analogy in one of the other podcasts about looking at bus stops. Like, yeah. I can’t look at every bus stop.

Michelle: Right. I can’t pull the thing. Dang, dang, dang. And like get off at every single bus stop and wait for the next bus. Right? Like sometimes you just have to be like, oh yeah, that’s a, that’s a stop and just keep going.

Michelle: Right. And I’m going to take that one. So if I can’t get off every bus and fight every battle, I don’t have the capacity for that. And in my own, you know, it’s like, it’s like, it’s so God has had me really stepped back. So in that thought God has had me really step back from things and sit there and look at it and be like, well, there’s evil. There’s so much evil in this world. And this is where I, where I’m at. Cause I mean, I could get up on, on the pulpit. I could preach it. I could do it right here on the podcast and just go down the narratives of everyone. And I see it. I see it in, in, in, in the Christian space, right. Where they just jump on each other or jump into things. And I’m like, dad doesn’t preach that don’t preach.

Shea: What is that doing? Right. If anything, it’s a D it’s a dividing tactic. And we’ve talked about this in season three, you know, like the division and the, and the defining tactics that, that the enemy likes to put on. Watch your flesh likes to divide you from God, right? The three enemies, your flesh, the devil, and the world want to separate you from God. So when we start taking our minds and we start applying our feelings and how we want it to be, and we’re going to get into this now, because this is a perfect segue to amoralism right? And we start taking ours and we want to change it to make it apply to what we want it to tell me to be.

Michelle: Right. The goal is to polarize you. And the goal is not to just polarize you on any specific side but to just polarize you because as soon as you’re polarized, you are. And I think of polar like cold freezing. Um, but that’s how I think of in my head. Like once you’re polarized, you’re kind of frozen, you’re stuck there. You’re a lot less likely to budge. And even if you budge, you’re still so far, north, south, east, or west, that it’s going to take a lot of energy and effort to get back to a place where you can really accept the truth. And I love Proverbs. I’m going to quote from the jump Proverbs 19 one, better to be a poor person who lives innocently than to be one who talks dishonestly and is a fool. And I think we think that that means, well, I’m not going to lie.

Michelle: I’m going to, like, if I remember at work, I used to always have an excuse for why the work wasn’t coming on time. If I had so much work and I did not ever learn to give myself more generous buffers when I would tell them when they could expect it. But I was always trying to over-deliver and ended up underestimating when I would get the stuff to them. But anyway, um, I would be like, oh, you know, I’m sorry, something, you know, come up with an excuse, whatever. And then like, God convicted me. Like, that’s a lie, you’re lying, stop lying. And so I felt like it was a big victory to just be like, I’m sorry, I just have not gotten it done yet. And just be very real and honest, like I have just not done it. It is not finished. No excuse, no, nothing just, it’s not done.

Michelle: Right. I thought that was a big thing. But when you think of that verse, you can have, when you start polarizing, when you start trying to go to one team, when you try to start trying to pick a team for every issue, instead of focusing on Christ and the great commission, which frees you from all the distractions that can come with every issue, as important as it is for people’s quality of life or not, there are distractions. If you focus on the great commission, you got focused. If you start polarizing, you’re going to start speaking lies because you’re going to get loyal to a side that has as many lies as another side, it’s just a different set of lies. So when you decide that you’re going to Dawn a certain color, I’ll put it that way. Cause like every side has a color. You need to realize that as a warning you’ve picked a color, right?

Michelle: And God is truth, right? He doesn’t mess with color. In that sense. He’s not like your team red or your team blue or I’m team purple or I’m T team, anything he is himself. And the colors are distractions that convince you to groupthink and make compromises, dangerous compromises for yourself. And that leads to amoralism because you’ll justify the compromises you make as more righteous than the compromises, someone else on the other side made. When in reality, you’re all probably a lot better off coming to the center and hashing it out, with dignity and respect and putting it at the foot of Christ.

Shea: Yeah. You know, that just it’s that relative truth versus absolute truth. I mean, that’s what it boils down to. You can not put relative truth to the Bible. The Bible has got to stand in absolute truth. You know, you said it, you said the truth. You know, God is truth. Um, but you know, let’s define it. Like the world defines it because right now this is what we’re at. We’re in this rewiring. We need to understand I can’t drift from what the Bible tells me. Yeah. Okay. You know, we can fight about theological truth and all this other blah, blah, blah. You know, I get that. I get that. You know how people, but I, but I’m telling you, when you dig deep into that stuff, they’re applying relative truth instead of absolute truth because absolute truth is going to take you to where the gospel is.

Shea: It’s going to take your work to the finished work. It’s going to take you to grace. It’s going to take you to, you know, salvation that’s secure. Um, because you believe in God you’ve been occupied. Um, it’s a, it’s an amazing thing. And we get, and we need to know that because there are two views to this. It’s the natural view and the Christian view. It’s just what it is and a Christian view. So we could even, because people don’t like that word anymore. And then I try it and then, you know, I was funny. I was one of those, okay. Let’s sidetrack. But like I remember at the beginning I was like, I’m a Christian, I’m tired of it. Even I fell on that. I’m a Christ-follower. Okay. What does the same thing? But okay. But what I’m, what I’m saying is I want to, I want to walk, like, be like, um, and, and, and treat people like Christ would, and his truth was absolute.

Shea: He never walked up to anyone and conceded to what they were doing. He, he spoke to what they were doing but showed them a lot of love while doing it. Um, that doesn’t mean we just run out there and started telling everybody what the problem is because, you know, we should take care of our, a lot of our things first, but, um, we’re natural versus Christian, right? Natural, you know, it’s, it’s humanity. Um, it’s a random act. It’s no PR they have no purpose. This is what they’re saying. That we have no purpose. Um, ecology and conservation will save the world and generates other philosophies such as come on, Michelle hit him up,

Michelle: Moral relativism, existentialism, pragmatism, and utopianism,

Shea: And see Christians. We see we come in with a different type in this humanity thought, right? Design fellowship, and governs the world with God, Genesis 1:27-28, Sans against God and, and, and curse the world. Right. We sin against God. And we curse the world. I mean, this is L Adam, thank you, Adam and Eve, but it’s like Genesis three, Jesus. The redeeming sacrifice Luke 19:10, and one day will be restored to our perfect state. Isaiah 65:17-25. All of the natural puts it to the world as an answer. And Christians put it to God as an answer, right? And when we cross that line and we start thinking that the world is going to answer our problems, I would like it to, but the truth is, God has to answer these. God has to have the provision in these. God has to have the position in these.

Shea: He will not mine. I will. And that is where I have to trust in this, in this rewiring. It, it is the hardest to step back from, for me, for me to step back. Sometimes it’s like, that is not my natural wiring, my natural wiring. And then I was trained to do it. Even it’s to fight. Let me just fight you. Let me, I’m done. Let me go. After you take you out. I don’t care. I’m finished. And I had to rewire that into a step back. All the responsibility and over to God and say, I look half the time now, days, I don’t even know. I’m so confused. Sometimes I’m like, what is right? What is going on? What is wrong? And that, so I stepped back and I’m like, this is me. Now, God, it’s in your hands. I need to focus on the commission.

Michelle: I need to focus on what you say. I need to focus on what your word says, because at the end of the day, what you were saying earlier, it is not a grouping. It’s an individual thing. Where am I going to find peace? Am I going to find it in a group of people? Or am I going to find it individually with God? And in that piece and in that love, and in that grace that he fills me with, I actually become something to society because I have a different perspective, a different way, a different way of acting towards people. In fact, I come to them in love and truth.

Michelle: Yeah. I’m gonna just drop it as it is because although I don’t bring it up on the show very often, I do know a lot about the occult and those groups practice things you might have heard of like Luciferian, isms, Satanism, all of that boils down to they worship based on the laws of nature. What goes in nature goes, that’s fine. The world power achievement, success influence. That is the goal. So when the Lord says in his word that you’re either with him, or you’re not, it’s very clear. It’s not just this harmless thing. We’ve, we’ve conceded to, you’re literally talking. Are you being satanic in your belief structure or not? Because of Luciferianism, he had the courage to Dawn to put on the light, right? Because Nope, didn’t have it, put it on, right? Put on light and left the glorious rebel with all the knowledge, with aspirations to be above God.

Michelle: We can Dawn falsehoods to that sound and look bright and cheerful, right? Like, do what makes you happy? Things like that. We can on those two and we can exit the right thoughts. And I didn’t say salvation, but you can exit the right thoughts and you can then put something above God. Because at that moment, you’re saying what the Bible says can be superseded by your comfort or by groupthink, or by what is popular. What is trending? What is catchy? So it’s the same thing. It’s just, we’re not labeling it, what it is, but there’s a, there’s a group of people that literally worship that as the truth, they flipped it all around. Jesus is the oppressor. He’s not keeping you from the danger in their worldview. Jesus is the one caging you in. So when we grapple with feelings like Jesus, you’re not letting me have any fun.

Michelle: I’m not saying I can’t relate to that. Especially when I first came to Christ and I started feeling like everything was kind of getting chipped away, but it’s important to cling to him and trust him because it’s a guardrail, not a cage. And if you think of a cage, fine, a shark cage to keep you away from the sharks, he’s not oppressing us. He’s giving us the freedom to be something other than a pawn in a demonic system. Right. And we have to start thinking of it. I mean, our show is about the spiritual warfare aspect as well. And that is so important to realize that it’s not as simple as, oh, it’s just a little crystal decade. Do a little something in the air. No. Right. You don’t need it. If you have Christ, you don’t need the crystal. If you have Christ, you don’t need this, that whatever you need the truth and the truth, doesn’t always sound as fanciful because it’s beautifully simplistic. And we a weekend we’ve been trained to crave the extravagant. Right.

Shea: You know, it makes me think like the sermon, we’ve heard a sermon recently and it’s like, do you stop? And think the pinnacle is when Joseph becomes like the second ruler. All of, all of, all of Egypt, when he gets all the gold and the change, you’re like, man-boys made it paid off. You should check yourself that won’t preach. It preaches so often, but it won’t preach. First of all, Pharaoh, come on now, come on. Now. He’s not of God. That leadership role was over pagan, pagan, pagan, pagan, pagan, pagan. So if you stop there and you think, oh, he made it, he rolled in. Right. You know what rethink haters gonna hate to rethink. No, but it’s like that won’t preach. Did God use those opportunities? Yes. But watch this. He used those opportunities to bless his remnant, his people. Right. Because who benefited, who benefited from that? Yeah. His people, you know, it’s like, it’s, it’s an interesting way of seeing things when you start sitting there because okay, look honestly, for a long time, and this is not, not just because of that message. I’ve, I’ve caught onto that before. Cause I started looking at, you know, Asherah and yeah. Yeah. When you

Shea: You look at it, you’re like, yeah, he’s being lifted up by pagan people who sacrifice kids and other things anyway, but God will use it. Um, God is going to use this ugliness that we see in the world. We don’t understand it. We don’t get it. I’m not going to claim it and pride it. And think that like lifted up. I’m going to look at evil as evil. Like I said, I take these steps back now. Evil is evil, man. A cult. I know it’s there. Oh, come on. It ain’t changed. But in this rewiring, what we’re doing is less, less of that and more of this, less of the world and more of God, it tells us that have a heavenly mind, not a worldly mind. Right? Right. This is Bible. Bible speaks 1 0 1. It’s telling me constantly keep your focus on God. Jesus did not come into this world. In his, his ministry was not for political gain or political change

Michelle: Because he doesn’t need our political system.

Shea: That’s right. He got, he has his system. He died for you. He died for me. He died for y’all individually. Again, back to the singular. The heart is the change. What goes on inside our hearts is what makes a difference around us. The peace that passes, understanding the joy. Isn’t going to come for me at least and biblically from a world system. It’s going to come from me and my trust in God.

Michelle: That’s why it’s the helmet of salvation because what guards our mind, more than anything else it’s knowing, you’re saved. Knowing who saved you. And it starts with salvation before salvation. You’re upon your putty. You’re just there. And that’s why, instead of focusing on all of the symptoms, emulate your heavenly father, who focuses on the eternal healing and give him the truth, the gospel, because then you’re giving them more than they could ever get from any solution you could come up with for any of their problems. Right?

Shea: There’s going to be questions that you’re going to ask. There’s gonna be things that you hear. There’s going to be, you know, whispers and rumors and rumors of wars biblical. But a second, look, this one will be all second Timothy 3:13 anyways. That is for y’all. That is your homework. If they always say, give them given what is I call it a call to action. There you go. There’s your call to action. Second Timothy 3:13. Don’t seek wisdom from MSM. I know we’re going to all go out there and venture out into it. But if you don’t have a verse behind you like James 1:5 that says, if you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. This is where we get it. You know, we’re doing this Proverbs walkthrough slowly on our, on our group.

Shea: But when you read like just each line and you take that moment to reflect just right there, it really wakes you up to where we need to be and where we don’t need to be. Because we got to admit something here. This wisdom that’s out here in the world is like grass. That Withers flowers that fade and see the word of God through will stand forever. We’re coming out. We’re going to, we’re coming out. We’re coming out hard this season because really by the end of this season, everyone listens to us. I hope that you start to recognize what we’re recognizing in ourselves because that’s really where this started. These seasons don’t come because we look at the road and be like, oh, they’re jacked up nuts. Cause I’m jacked up. I’m jacked up, but I need to be rewired. And so that’s what we’re going through. We’re going through these seasons of a more godless world or the godless world. You had a kid to it. I think it intensifies the more godless world because she needs the protection that comes to the wisdom and the truth that God has. So man, thank you for joining us in another season, we are super excited. We got some really cool guests this season. Yeah,

Michelle: We are pumped. And this season we’re gonna try something a little different. We’re gonna end with a question every week. Cause we want to hear from y’all silent but loyal and we want you to be loud and loyal. So if y’all can hit us up@thepantrypodcast.com or on Instagram, Facebook, wherever you connect with us and let us know awake, God has rewired you. We will share it on the show as an opener because we want to bring you guys in little more and bolster up this family. So until next time, bye-bye.

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